Centro de recursos
Encuentre aquí informes, resúmenes de políticas y hojas informativas sobre el matrimonio infantil y las uniones tempranas, así como herramientas de desarrollo de capacidades para organizaciones e individuos que trabajan para poner fin al matrimonio infantil y las uniones tempranas.
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13 recursos que coinciden con sus opciones de filtro. Borrar filtro
Adolescent girls in crisis: voices from Beirut
This report explores the experiences of Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian adolescent girls in Beirut, Lebanon.
Stories from the ground: child marriage in refugee camps
This brief gather the stories of four Syrian refugee girls who married as children after fleeing Syrian to find refuge to Lebanon.
Caught in contradiction: making sense of child marriage among Syrian refugees in Lebanon
Based on data collection tool SenseMaker®, this research explore drivers of child marriage from the perspective of Syrian refguees in Lebanon, and reflects on solutions.
Child marriage in the Middle-East and North Africa
This study explores child marriage in the Middle-East and North Africa and provides recommendations on how to better address it.
A qualitative study exploring child marriage practices among Syrian conflict-affected populations in Lebanon
This study looks at the causes and impacts of child marriage among Syrian communities living either in or outside refugee camps in Lebanon.
Child marriage in West & Central Africa
This brief provides an overview of child marriage in West and Central Africa and includes recommendations on how to address it.
Tailored intervention to empower married girls
This case study features the work of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Lebanon to empower married and engaged girls in both Syrian refugee and host communities.
Early marriage and barriers to contraception among Syrian refugee women in Lebanon: a qualitative study
This study calls for interventions preventing child marriage and increasing access to sexual and reproductive health services among Syrian refugees in Lebanon.
Interagency gender-based violence case management guidelines in humanitarian settings
These guidelines aim to provide standards for good practice to ensure gender-based violence survivors receive quality care in humanitarian settings.
Trafficking in persons in conflict and post-conflict situations
This report explores the links between trafficking in persons and conflict. Child marriage is described as a form of exploitation related to trafficking.