Centro de recursos

Encuentre aquí informes, resúmenes de políticas y hojas informativas sobre el matrimonio infantil y las uniones tempranas, así como herramientas de desarrollo de capacidades para organizaciones e individuos que trabajan para poner fin al matrimonio infantil y las uniones tempranas.

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Foto: Girls Not Brides/Graham Crouch
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7 recursos que coinciden con sus opciones de filtro. Borrar filtro

Caso de estudio, Informe

Action by Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies to prevent and respond to child marriage: case study report

This report offers useful lessons from the work of the IFRC on child marriage in development and humanitarian contexts.

Hoja informativa y breve, Girls Not Brides materiales

Addressing child marriage through education: What the evidence shows

The brief examines what works to address child marriage through education. It highlights barriers to girls' education and recommends strategies to address them.


Trafficking in persons in conflict and post-conflict situations

This report explores the links between trafficking in persons and conflict. Child marriage is described as a form of exploitation related to trafficking.


Early and forced Marriage in Turkey

Addresses early and forced marriage in Turkey from a number of perspectives: law, healthcare, education, human rights. Provides a brief history of Flying Broom's work on child marriage and pertinent…

Hoja informativa y breve

UNFPA child marriage country profile: Turkey

This factsheet is part of a series of country profiles on child marriage in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region, put together by UNFPA in October 2012.

Artículo de investigación

Entre nous, the European magazine for sexual and reproductive health: child marriage

28 page magazine containing the following articles:


Musawah: Framework for action

The conceptual framework for Musawah, a global movement for equality and justice in the Muslim family, which was developed by a group of Muslim scholars and activists.

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