Centro de recursos

Encuentre aquí informes, resúmenes de políticas y hojas informativas sobre el matrimonio infantil y las uniones tempranas, así como herramientas de desarrollo de capacidades para organizaciones e individuos que trabajan para poner fin al matrimonio infantil y las uniones tempranas.

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Foto: Girls Not Brides/Graham Crouch
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Early Marriage – A harmful traditional practice

Estimates prevalence of child marriage and seeks to understand the factors associated with child marriage and cohabitation. Presents differentials in child marriage rates according to socio-economic and demographic variables, characteristics…

Caja de herramientas

The Spider Tool: a self assessment and planning tool for child-led initiatives and organisations

Developed by Save the Children, the Spider Tool is a simple and effective self-assessment and planning tool. It provides ways to evaluate key dimensions of an organisation’s work and a…

Caja de herramientas

Building and maintaining networks and coalitions

Developed by Pact Tanzania, this is a simple, easy-to-understand guide that explains the differences between networks, coalitions and alliances. It gives ideas for how to structure the work and processes…

Artículo de investigación

Child marriage and child prostitution: Two forms of sexual exploitation

The article highlights similarities between child marriages and child prostitution: economic transactions, lack of freedom, and violation of a child’s right to consent.

Family transitions in Latin America: first intercourse, first union and first birth

This paper examines the initiation of sexual activity, first marriage and first birth as key steps in family formation.


Early marriage - Child spouses, UNICEF Innocenti Digest

Published in 2001, the report looks at the reasons behind early marriage and outlines guidelines to end the practice. It calls for more rights-based research on child marriage

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