Centro de recursos

Encuentre aquí informes, resúmenes de políticas y hojas informativas sobre el matrimonio infantil y las uniones tempranas, así como herramientas de desarrollo de capacidades para organizaciones e individuos que trabajan para poner fin al matrimonio infantil y las uniones tempranas.

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Foto: Girls Not Brides/Graham Crouch
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Caja de herramientas

Building and maintaining networks and coalitions

Developed by Pact Tanzania, this is a simple, easy-to-understand guide that explains the differences between networks, coalitions and alliances. It gives ideas for how to structure the work and processes…

Artículo de investigación

Child marriage and child prostitution: Two forms of sexual exploitation

The article highlights similarities between child marriages and child prostitution: economic transactions, lack of freedom, and violation of a child’s right to consent.

Family transitions in Latin America: first intercourse, first union and first birth

This paper examines the initiation of sexual activity, first marriage and first birth as key steps in family formation.


Early marriage - Child spouses, UNICEF Innocenti Digest

Published in 2001, the report looks at the reasons behind early marriage and outlines guidelines to end the practice. It calls for more rights-based research on child marriage

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