Los matrimonios y las uniones infantiles, tempranas y forzadas (MUITF) son una práctica mundial. La desigualdad de género, la pobreza, las normas sociales y la inseguridad son sus principales causas y, en todo el mundo, y tienen consecuencias a largo plazo.
Explora nuestra visión y misión para terminar con el matrimonio infantil, conoce nuestra estructura organizativa y descubre cómo trabajamos como una alianza mundial para impulsar el cambio y empoderar a las niñas en todo el mundo.
Los miembros de Girls Not Brides son organizaciones de la sociedad civil comprometidas a trabajar juntas para poner fin al matrimonio infantil y apoyar a las niñas casadas.
Descubre herramientas, recursos y eventos para aprender más sobre el matrimonio infantil y temas relacionados, y tener éxito en tu incidencia, activismo juvenil y recaudación de fondos.
Aquí encontrarás las últimas noticias e historias sobre los MUITF, el trabajo que nuestras organizaciones miembros y socios del movimiento más amplio están haciendo para acabar con esta práctica nociva.
Civil society in Ghana launches Girls Not Brides partnership to end child marriage
Nine Girls Not Brides member organisations in Ghana have formed a national partnership to catalyse action to end child marriage in Ghana, where this harmful practice affects 21% of girls under 18. After several months of planning and preparation, the group officially became Girls Not Brides Ghana,launching on national radio on 10 December 2014, a day commemorating human rights around the world.
One of their key objectives will be to work with the government to develop a joint strategy to address child marriage.
The launch of Girls Not Brides Ghana comes at an opportune moment, following the commitments made by the Ghanaian government at the Girl Summit in July 2014. By 2017, the government committed to scale up awareness and prevention, to strengthen national institutions and laws, and to coordinate mechanisms to end child marriage.
Girls Not Brides Ghana is determined to seize this momentum and work with the Ghanaian government to develop a national action plan on child marriage and achieve nationwide change.
“We are going to work with the government of Ghana to make sure that there are policies in place [to end child marriage]. Once in place, they should be enforced and implemented to make sure that a girl of school-going age is in school and not forced into early marriage.”
Girls Not Brides Ghana is the fifth national partnership to be officially recognised as a Girls Not Brides national partnership, following the launch of similar groups in Mozambique, Nepal, the UK and the USA. National partnerships to end child marriage are active in a growing number of countries where many Girls Not Brides members are working hand-in-hand with governments, UN agencies and civil society on collective national strategies.
The founding members of Girls Not Brides Ghana are:
Other civil society organisations working to address child marriage in Ghana are welcome to apply for membership of Girls Not Brides Ghana by expressing their interest to Peter Ndonwie at paorp.vwc@gmail.com.
Care Development Initiative
Centre For Initiative Against Human Trafficking
Ghana Association for Women's Welfare
Glims foundation
Pan- African Organisation for Research and Protection of Violence on Women and Children
Safe Child Ghana
Wuni Zaligu Development Association- WUZDA
Youth Harvest Fondation
For further information about any of Girls Not Brides’ existing and emerging national partnerships, please send an email to info@GirlsNotBrides.org.