En ruta hacia un futuro mejor: la conexión entre la migración y el matrimonio precoz

Foto: Ashenafi Tibebe/The Elders

En el tiempo que has tardado en leer este artículo 64 niñas menores de 18 años se han casado

Cada año, 12 millones de niñas se casan antes de los 18 años.

Es decir, 23 niñas cada minuto.

Casi 1 cada 3 segundos.

About the author

Tasneem Kakal

KIT Royal Tropical Institute

This blog is based on study findings from  the YES I DO (2016-2020) multi-country programme and the More Than Brides Alliance’s programme ‘Marriage: No Child’s play’.The YES I DO programme aims to prevent child marriage, teenage pregnancy and FGM/C in seven countries- Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Pakistan & Zambia.The ‘Marriage: No Child’s Play’ aims to reduce child marriage and its adverse effects on young women and girls in India, Pakistan, Malawi, Niger and Mali.Both programmes are funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.The data for the Amhara region in Ethiopia and Liwonde, Machinga comes from the findings of the YES I DO baseline studies conducted in 2016. The data from Nkhata Bay and Mangochi in Malawi and from Sikassa and Segou in Mali comes from findings of the More Than Brides alliance.Read more about the YES I DO studies in Malawi and about the study in Ethiopia.Read more about the MTBA study in Malawi and read more about the study in Mali.Explore our findings from the Yes I Do programme  and the More than Brides Alliance.Find out more about KIT Royal Tropical Institute.We would like to thank the knowledge partners of the three child marriage alliances funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, specifically the University of Amsterdam and Oxfam Novib for their input on this post.

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