Promover la igualdad de género: vincular política, salud, cultura y masculinidad positiva

Foto: Girls Not Brides / Abdullah al Kafi

Esta página fue escrita originalmente en inglés y no ha sido traducida profesionalmente. Puede contener errores.

En el tiempo que has tardado en leer este artículo 65 niñas menores de 18 años se han casado

Cada año, 12 millones de niñas se casan antes de los 18 años.

Es decir, 23 niñas cada minuto.

Casi 1 cada 3 segundos.

About the authors

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF)

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is a global nonprofit organisation providing cutting-edge medicine and advocacy to over 1,900,000 people in 45 countries. AHF is currently the largest provider of HIV/AIDS medical care in the world, committed to achieving global AIDS control. Through its targeted youth programs, such as the Girls Act and Young People's Program, AHF strategically addresses the intersection between social issues and HIV, expanding the delivery of healthcare and influencing policy to save lives.

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EngenderHealth is a global organisation committed to advancing sexual and reproductive health rights and fighting against gender-based violence and harmful practice. It supports individuals in making free, informed decisions about sexuality and childbearing so they can live the lives they want.

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Girls Not Brides

Girls Not Brides is a global network of more than 1,400 civil society organizations from over 100 countries committed to ending child marriage and ensuring girls can reach their full potential. Girls Not Brides mission is to amplify the voices of girls at risk of child marriage, and to defend girls' rights to health and education, among other.

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