Alianzas nacionales y coaliciones en India
En este país, tenemos alianzas nacionales. Varias organizaciones miembro de <i>Girls Not Brides</i> han unido fuerzas para acelerar el progreso para abordar el matrimonio infantil en su país, creando alianzas y coaliciones nacionales. Aquí abajo encontrará un resumen de quienes son y dónde se encuentran estas redes, qué hacen, y cómo trabajan con <i>Girls Not Brides</i>.
Puede ayudar a las niñas y adolescentes de India haciendo una donación a las campañas de nuestras organizaciones miembro
Contenido sobre India
Historias resonantes de cambio: El impactante viaje de la ECF hacia la igualdad de género y la inclusión
Agentes del cambio: historias de defensoras de la justicia para las mujeres que trabajan en la India para acabar con el matrimonio infantil
Las soluciones eficaces para acabar con los matrimonios y uniones infantiles, tempranas y forzadas (MUITF) deben ir más allá de su ilegalización.
3 enseñanzas y 3 acciones: Hagamos que cada día sea el Día Internacional de la Niña
Fuentes de información
- Center for Reproductive Rights, Child Marriage and Personal Laws in South Asia. International Standards Requiring Governments to End Human Rights Violations Based On Religious Norms, 2014, (accessed December 2021).
- Center for Reproductive Rights, Ending Impunity for Child Marriage in India, 2018, (accessed December 2021).
- Dasra, Marry me later: preventing child marriage and early pregnancy in India, 2014, (accessed December 2021).
- Government of Rajasthan, State Strategy and Action Plan for Prevention of Child Marriage, 2017, (accessed December 2021).
- HAQ: Centre for Child Rights, Child Marriage in India: Achievements, Gaps and Challenges. Response to Questions for OHCHR Report on Preventing Child, Early and Forced Marriages for Twenty-sixth Session of the Human Rights Council, 2014, (accessed December 2021).
- India, The prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, (accessed December 2021).
- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, National Family Health Survey 2015-2016, 2017, (accessed December 2021).
- Nairobi Summit, Intensify our efforts for the full, effective and accelerated implementation and funding of the ICPD Programme of Action and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, Government of India, [website], 2019, (accessed December 2021).
- Nirantar Trust, Early and Child Marriage in India, a Landscape Analysis, 2015, (accessed December 2021).
- Save the Children, A generation at stake protecting India’s children from the impact of COVID-19, 2020, (accessed May 2022).
- South Asia Initiative to End Violence Against Children, [website], 2018, (accessed December 2021).
- Supreme Court of India, Independent Thought vs Union of India on 11 October, 2017, (accessed December 2021).
- The Indian Express, Prohibition of Child Marriage Act to prevail over personal laws: HC, 2015, (accessed December 2021).
- UN CEDAW, Concluding Observations on the Combined Fourth and Fifth Periodic Reports of India, 2014, p.9, (accessed December 2021).
- UN General Assembly, Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: India, 2017, p.22, (accessed December 2021).
- UNICEF global databases 2021, based on Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), and other national surveys. Population data from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2020). World Population Prospects 2019, Online Edition. Rev. 1.
- UNICEF India, EndChild Marriage, [website], 2018, (accessed December 2021).
- UNICEF, #Foreverychild annual report 2019, 2019, (accessed May 2022).
- UNICEF-UNFPA, Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage, [website] 2017, (accessed December 2021).
- UNICEF-UNFPA, Country profile India, 2020, (accessed May 2022).
- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), The Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage - 2017 Annual Report Country Profiles, 2018, (accessed December 2021).
- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), The Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage - 2018 Annual Report Country Profiles, 2019, (accessed December 2021).
- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Ending child marriage in India, [undated], (accessed December 2021).
- World Bank and International Center for Research on Women, Economic Impacts of Child Marriage: Global Synthesis Report, 2017, (accessed December 2021).