Matrimonios y uniones infantiles, tempranas y forzadas y VIH
Las adolescentes se ven afectadas de manera desproporcionada por el VIH. Algunos de los factores que ponen a las niñas en mayor riesgo de contraer el VIH son los mismos que las ponen en riesgo de contraer matrimonio infantil. Obtenga más información sobre estos problemas interrelacionados.
Contenido relacionado
Advancing the Evidence Base on Child Marriage and HIV
This paper and an associated expert consultation were developed to better understand the relationship between child marriage and HIV.
Child marriage and HIV
Esta infografía de Girls Not Brides analiza los vínculos entre el matrimonio infantil y el VIH / SIDA.
Ending child marriage and stopping the spread of HIV: opportunities and challenges for action
This review by the African Union Commission delves into what little is known about the relationship between child marriage and HIV in the existing literature.
SASA! Activist Kit
SASA! is a community mobilisation approach developed by Raising Voices for preventing violence against women and HIV.